
Treatment Feedback

Treatment Feedback   (Post deleted, re-uploaded) In this task, I have gained target audience feedback on my treatment that will help me amend it. I will then create a second amended treatment based on the requirements of my target audience, helping me to display the narrative clearer using diverse variants of mise-en-scene. In this task, I have gained target audience feedback from people within my target audience to help me decisively and effectively create improvements for my treatment, helping me to use clearer and more effective varieties of mise-en-scene that help me to convey my narrative in a far more evocative and engaging way. My overall feedback contained ideas that my target audience liked a lot of what I am proposing in my music video. The idea of displaying the narrative whilst following the stereotype adds a real sense of realism which can help the music video become more evocative and therefore audience engaging. Moving forward, I can no...

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Question 4 In my final evaluation task, I will analyse the media technologies that I have used in order to create my products throughout the process. I used a variety of digital and technological appliances in order to consistently improve and display my products and to meet the brief. In conclusion, I used a variety of media technologies in order to create my final products, without them I wouldn't of been able to do any of my research, planning or production and therefore they were vital to the creation of my final products.

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 3  Here is my third evaluation task where I have taken the audience feedback that I have gained in my different blog tasks at different stages of the production process, to see how the improvement feedback that I gained helped me to make my products better and therefore make them more successful. In conclusion, I believe that the feedback I gained helped me to understands the positive and negative elements of my products in order to improve on those negatives to make my product extremely successful.  Target audience is feedback is useful and effective as it helped me to improve my product through the eyes of the consumer and not just the creator, meaning I could take on a range of ideas that enabled my products to be more evocative and engaging. I believe I have shown the skill to make my products better over time by taking the audience feedback on board so that my products now clearly link and show an obvious narrative to nay consumer...

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 2 Here is my second evaluation task about how effective the combination of main product, the music video, and my ancillary products, the digipack and album advert, were together, and how clearly they linked. I will analyse this by looking at the conventions of my products to see where they clearly link, especially when it comes to colour schemes, font choices and the showing of my main protagonist. (you will need to pause each slide to read information) In conclusion, I believe that the conventions I have chosen to use that link my products together are very effective, as the products are clearly linked through their vibrant colour schemes, similar fonts and continuous display of the main protagonist. The colour schemes are powerful and vibrant and represent the unique style or Indie music. Also, the photos connote meanings that represent the narrative of the music video, such as the female protagonists t-shirt denoting her mental strength and courage t...

Evaluation Question 1

Evaluation Question 1 Here is my first evaluation task analysing the ways that my media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real life media products. In order to do this, I will look back at the knowledge I have collected in my previous blog tasks, to help me decide whether I have used conventions well or not. This will be done by looking at Goodwin's theory, a comparison between my products and other Indie products (music video and ancillary), the stereotypes of narratives and the typical codes and conventions used in digipacks and album adverts. In conclusion to my first evaluation task, I feel like overall I have followed the majority of obvious conventions so that the products look real and professional, however, I also feel like I have thrown a few twists into my products, breaking and challenging conventions such as including images of my artist on my ancillary products, especially the covers so that my products are instantly recognisable ...

Indie Album Advert Research

Indie Album Advert Research  (forgot to post this a lot earlier with album cover research, sorry.) In this task, I will analyse a range of Indie album advert's to gain inspiration for my own ideas for my album advert. I will discover the stereotypes of Indie album adverts and they are used in each. In conclusion, I have analysed different Indie album adverts to gain inspirations for my own ideas and products. I now understand the stereotypes that are used on album adverts, but that not all of these conventions are always followed. Stereotypical conventions such as a using shapes and vibrant colours to engage and entice an audience can be folded into my own ideas for my own products, as well as simplistic conventions like the band name font normally being larger than the album name font. I have learnt that engaging the audience with eye contact from the artist can be a good way of showing the artists importance and power in my album advert. Moving forward, I can use the ...

Target Audience Photo Thumbnails Selection

Target Audience  Photo Thumbnails  Selection  (forgot to post this earlier, in reply to photo thumbnail post) This task is a follow up to my blog task about the variety of shots I have taken for selection for my ancillary products. I asked my target audience to select their favourite photos from the thumbnails that I created in order to have the best possible images on my ancillary products. It is important to select the right photos for my ancillary products as I can edit them and show off my Photoshop skills as well as them making the products more eye catching and appealing. I asked my friends on a Facebook group (web 2.0 tool) so that the feedback was interactive and social media related. From the responses I have gained from this task, I will take into consideration their ideas as well as incorporating my own ideas in order to use the most effective photos for my digipack and album advert. I will take into consideration my audience feedback as well as ...